Tuesday, August 23

when you shine on

you should listen to Air Waves!
it's so good. I tried writing something about this, but I'm having a hard time describing it, so I'll let it talk for itself.

we're trying out the game Limbo right now. it's really something! it's so beautiful and so frightening at the same time. a little boy wakes up in Limbo, a scary and dark forest and searches for his sister, meeting troubles and puzzles along the way.

it took a little time to learn how to wake him up and control him, since there are no instructions, but it makes it that more exciting to play. it's from the new Danish game developer, Playdead. we're only playing the demo, so, unfortunately, we're done soon, but after only five minutes of playing I had already decided to buy the game. I recommend it to anyone who likes video games!
happy Tuesdaaay.


MusicIsMySecret said...

Det ser nice ud! Det vil jeg gerne se dig spille når du engang har købt det. (Ville egentlig skrive "være med til at spille", men jeg plejer jo alligevel at lade dig spille det hele. Heh.)

Rannvá said...

hehe, du må meget gerne spille også. :) det er vist ret langt, og det skulle eftersigende være lige så sjovt at spille som at se på. det bliver sjovt!