Tuesday, August 9

everyone's doing it

right now I'm totally hooked on this sweet site my sweet boyfriend found.
it's called GetGlue, and is somewhat similar to TasteKid, in that it recommends stuff similar to things that you already and like/dislike. still, GetGlue is a little different: it allows you to "check-in" to the things you are doing at the moment e.g. reading a book or thinking about Obama, and the more you check-in, the more stickers you earn. huh? I thought it was this symbolic thing, but it turns out you get actual stickers. as if I wasn't hooked enough already. I just signed up today and have already made it my mission to get all the True Blood stickers I possibly can. when I've earned 20 they send them to me, free of charge. man... I love stickers...
the only downside for me is that I don't own a smart phone since it's a really handy site. I'm thinking of buying a Google Nexus, they seem alright.
anyway. follow me if you like and I'll follow you!


Lærke said...

I tried it now - couldn't sleep last night, so I ended up liking 250 things. Sheit. :)

Rannvá said...

haha, I know! that happened to me, too. suddenly two hours were just... gone. 8) hope everything's good in GB.