right outside our window this huge tree stands and everyday, right about the time I get home from school, the sun shines right into our living room, blinding me, but the tree sucks up most of the light. it's really cozy to be able to look straight in between the branches and seeing all the pigeons and the magpies nesting (separately, I suppose, or maybe the magpies eat the pigeons's food and babies, I don't know... in any case, the show must go on).
I've been way off today since my sleeping has been really messed up lately, to the degree where I started getting dizzy, hallucinating and a sense of falling over during the day, because I couldn't fall asleep at all for about three days. I blame it on my neighbors - I may or may not write a post about my dissatisfying apartment circumstances later - but who knows, maybe I've just caught a mild case of vertigo.
well, as written above, today has been weird, but at least I've had some sleep the last few nights. one good example is when I was watching TV before, this Danish home improvement show came on, one where the person receiving the improvement didn't ask for it, but still acts happy and everyone's hugging and laughing in the sun. yeah, anyway, while all the people destroyed, rebuilt and sew pillows, I was on the verge of tears for the longest time until ... it actually happened: my eyes overflowed with water and it spilled onto my cheeks. what the f! I don't think lack of sleep could be the sole actor in this madness; I've been tired before, but not to this loony-lonely-lady-degree, so I admitted to myself that I must be overflowing with hormonal feelings as well as salty eye water. nice! five minutes later I felt fine and got the urge to smoke a cigarette due to a stop-smoking-and-chew-gum-instead ad and boiled some water for my rarely touched caffeinated orange tea to go with it. I must not fall asleep before tonight at at least 22.30 o'clock, even though I really, really want to! sigh.
du formår at skrive om noget rigtig ærgeligt, på en utroligt humoristisk måde! keep up. og tag et kig forbi.
tusind tak skal du have, skøre kop-dame! det er jeg glad for.
det er godt nok længe siden din kommentar blev postet, men nu svarer jeg ikke desto mindre. din blog kan jeg ikke finde, ellers ville jeg da kigge nu.
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