Wednesday, January 11

mr. brown from cincinatti

I love short stories and sci-fi, so when I discovered author Fredric Brown I was very happy. while browsing and killing time online, I stumbled upon a short-short story, "Knock", that really intrigued me. it is part of a short story, which is still very, very short. check it out here. it's so fortunate that I own a Kindle, because there's an amazing site,, where you can download free e-books in 4 different formats and start reading within minutes. there're only books by deceased authors, and the collection as a whole is quite good.

"The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door..."

oh, the horror! goosebumps! it's amazing that two so short sentences can contain so much. I've now read about 5 of Brown's short-shorties, and still have a few shorties left. yay and hooray for Project Gutenberg! he uses the same themes over and over again (Mars, Martians, Earth, humans living in space, etc) and after reading a few I was in the zone. his old school writing totally relaxes my brain.

but now my brain is too tired for anything that involves thinking independently, so I will eat noodles with eggs and watch whatever on TV.

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