a drawing I made some time ago, using brown felt-tip pen, and on the left in the picture above are some print-outs I made in school, that are for mug printing.
I made 6 in all, but 3 friends from school had to have one each, so I have 3 left for myself - which is awesome since I now have matching mugs! yay.
the turquoise one changes color into white when filled with boiling water. pret-ty cool, eh.
I scanned in the drawing using Photoshop and live traced it in Illustrator, and I'm well pleased with the detail in both prints and mugs.
I love my school and now it's almost over. sigh.
today at 9.15 I had a final in physics/chemistry and I got a B. I was both surprised and very relieved, because I was so nervous when I woke up this morning. phew!
Jeg så det her i fredags, men kunne ikke få lov at kommentere på det, og i går havde jeg glemt alt om det. (Ahem.) Det er det niceste nogensinde! Det er VIRKELIG, virkelig flot.
tak! :*
Rannva det mønster er så flot! Jeg gad godt have skabet fyldt af kopper som dem!
tusind tak, cecilia!!
ps. fed bageblog du har, mand, jeg elsker alle dine kager
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