Wednesday, December 21

christmas? no, seriously?!





this entire month has been a total anticlimax for me. I have hardly been outside, since I felt I had no reasons to, so I mostly looked through the window and hoped for snow. today I've been out, though, to buy presents for my family. they're totally symbolic due to my empty pockets, but I feel like I have to give them all something for being there for me and bearing over with missing presents. I haven't had any real coping skills the last few (read: many) years. oh well. I've wrapped them in old FOEG-posters, since I'm not so big on buying wrapping paper. and then I'm washing some of my clothes in the bathroom sink.

oh yes, and yesterday I was at Tine's place where we played Skyrim for hours and hours. what a great game! okay, not great, but amazing and fantastic and awesome and beautiful, and SO entertaining! we hadn't played for more than three hours before I had to kill a dragon under the aurora borealis-lit night skies. WAUW. I'm hooked. I have to buy it for myself; I can't stand not to.

tomorrow I'm going to my mother's place to spend the Christmas days with her and my brother. we're only going to be us three this year and the only three things we're going to do are eat, play board games and sleep in.

Sunday, December 11

helping kiss

wood and paint

spider ball

pac man grill

heyyy, check out the Pacman grill

the necklace

hanging sculptures
picture borrowed from Elisabeth Kiss

in November I helped out my friend Kiss with her sculptures for visual display in an event in Vega called Nordic Sounds (check out her flickr). I merely painted and fire-proofed them, but I love working with my hands, pretty much no matter what, so it was really cozy just hanging out with her, painting, drinking tea and listening to music. she shares this big workshop space with some other artists and there's everything the heart could ever want, paint/wood/tool-wise: amazing! it's called Ragn and is right next door to Mayhem.

Friday, December 9

today is hail day


I miss spring. today I came home completely soaked and sore in my face due to a stupid hailstorm. spring wouldn't do that to me (at least not as violently).

Tuesday, December 6

last christmas




these are from last year when me and Niklas spent Christmas at Lars's in London. we baked three different kinds of cookies and made lemonade, but used light sugar (why does this exist?), so it just tasted too weird. fortunately Lars is a really good cook, so everything else tasted wonderful and looked pretty as well. I could eat that entire plate of chicken and rice right now.

last november

through the window

cheddar cheese

two of a kind


espresso fallout

inner london


last winter (and some before it) my (step)dad lived in London, practically on River Thames. it had an amazing view of the inner city; you could see London Eye and London Bridge with the naked eye. these photos are from when my brother and I went visiting last November. I didn't feel so great last year, but I remember feeling very happy while being in the Seacon Tower. it also helped with lovely food and coffee and soda and all that stuff. I bought Fallout 3 and played for, I don't know, a million hours and then my save was deleted - WTH - and I haven't really played a whole lot since. it's an amazing game, so if you like gaming and haven't tried it (not likely) then do.

my dad moved back to Denmark over the summer, so no London this year. dang it. he now lives in Århus with his girlfriend and they're expecting a baby boy, so come April I'll have two brothers. it's crazy how little time it actually takes to make a human being - poof! new person! unbelievable.

later today we're going to look at an apartment with three rooms and a friggin' garden! yeah. fingers crossed.