Monday, September 12

belly's butterflies

I am so excited about two specific things right now.

one thing is the election here in Denmark (which by the way is the same day FoEG starts, why, why, why - aaargh) where it's really important that the (right(red)) people win. the excitement about this is a bit uncomfortable and I hope it won't affect me too much, though it'll be a little weird to not watch the TV constantly at a time like that. finger's crossed!

the other is that the Festival of Endless Gratitude begins in three days - wooo! - and tomorrow is my first day at Remisen, where it's at, and I'm going to help as a volunteer and sew a lot of fabric together in tent-like things for decoration. I can't wait to see how it looks and I can't wait to be there again; last year was so great that I can't put it into words.

<3 <3 <3

Thursday, September 8

evening cloud


what a


Wednesday, September 7

eat your d-vitamins


taken this February.

it seems like such a short time ago that the frost ate at my windows and now it feels like winter isn't far away again. this summer was such a tease that I almost didn't notice it was here, but I do like winter a lot, and am looking forward to wear my winter clothes again and hopefully it'll snow a lot so I can coax my friends into building snowmen with me.

in one week the building of Festival of Endless Gratitude begins and I can't wait! my mom just gave me three shopping bags full of fabric that are going to help a part of the decoration take form. more on this later.

Thursday, September 1

drawing into mugs



a drawing I made some time ago, using brown felt-tip pen, and on the left in the picture above are some print-outs I made in school, that are for mug printing.

small army of cups

I made 6 in all, but 3 friends from school had to have one each, so I have 3 left for myself - which is awesome since I now have matching mugs! yay.


 the turquoise one changes color into white when filled with boiling water. pret-ty cool, eh.


I scanned in the drawing using Photoshop and live traced it in Illustrator, and I'm well pleased with the detail in both prints and mugs.

I love my school and now it's almost over. sigh.

today at 9.15 I had a final in physics/chemistry and I got a B. I was both surprised and very relieved, because I was so nervous when I woke up this morning. phew!