Thursday, June 14

pre-sleep thoughts

if I remember, I try to bring my notebook with me when I go to sleep, because I always have the stupidest or most brilliant thoughts ever when I try to fall asleep and, always forgetting everything all the time, have of course forgotten everything when I wake up again... so, last night I remembered bringing it with me and since I lay awake for 5 hours straight before falling asleep, the stupid thoughts were not few and a lot of ink was used in the darkness. here's a little extract:
if I were to marry a vegetable, it would definitely be a leek. tall, layered and with beautiful hair. tasty. the best man would have to be a Jerusalem artichoke since it so complements the leek, but, superficial as I am, I would never choose it alone because of the way it looks. I guess I would have to have a brides maid or two, but I haven't thought of those yet.
sometimes I wonder how I even learned how to breathe.

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