Sunday, November 27


my favorite comic of all time is called Achewood and is made by Chris Onstad. I've never really felt anything for comic characters before, but the feeling and mood of Achewood is just right up my alley and the topics are, for the most part, hilarious and something I can relate to. it's just not something I'm used to or have seen before, so I'm still in awe every time Chris Onstad strikes a nerve with me or makes me laugh. I have the first 9 years worth of strips downloaded, PDF'd, onto my Kindle, which works really well since everything is drawn in black/white/grey and I can have it with me everywhere I go.

I've posted four strips, which I think are particularly funny, and not part of a bigger story, but man, it's hard to introduce in so few pictures!

it's still going strong (last strip was posted this Wednesday) on, where all the strips can be read.

Ray, above, (Raymond Quentin Smuckles) is a cool, semi-diabetic cat, who became a millionaire after selling some vintage erotica found on eBay for 6 million dollars. Ray likes eBay, the ladies and throwing parties. his best friend is Roast Beef.

my favorite character is the guy above, a depressed cat called Roast Beef (given name: Cassandra Kazenzaki). Beef likes programming on his computer and Java. his girlfriend, Molly, is good at helping him when life becomes too difficult to manage.

one of the minor characters, Nice Pete, is completely crazy. he is in and out of prison all the time for shady stuff.

Ray and Beef have the best friendship of all time:

!!! EDIT !!! it's not called cartoons, but comics. now I won't ever forget (but I probably will).

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